Setting up Auto Sign-Out

Setting up Auto Sign-Out

If a visitor forgets to sign out with their label when they leave, VisitorRego has the intelligence to automatically sign visitors out after a specified time period. This keeps your Emergency Report accurate so that you don't need to chase up visitors that have left the site and simply forgotten to sign out in the case of an evacuation roll call.

Enabling the Auto Sign-Out function

The auto sign-out function should be enabled by default, but if it is not on you can set up the auto sign-out function by following the steps below:

1. From VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Options> General tab, then expand the General section.

2. Tick the checkbox Auto Sign Out to turn on the function.

3. You can specify the time period before automatic sign out takes place by changing the value in Auto Sign Out Hours. Simply enter the time period after which the visitor will be signed out into the field.

Generally, 12 hours covers until the next working day for an accurate emergency report.

4. Once done, close out of the System Setup menu and toggle back to Self-Registration mode. The auto sign-out function should now be set up.

Keeping track of signed out visitor’s vs auto signed out visitors

With auto sign-out enabled, you will be able to differentiate between visitors who signed themselves out and those whom the VisitorRego software auto signed out.

When viewing registration history using Sign-Ins by Workflow in the VisitorRego Portal, you can see the difference between when a visitor signs out normally and when a visitor is automatically signed out.

Visitors with a time in the Out column have signed themselves out by scanning their visitor label.
Visitors NO time in the Out column have been signed out by the auto sign-out function.

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