3. Click on Currently Onsite in the Emergency menu.
Viewing and Using the Currently Onsite page
The Currently Onsite page displays all people who have registered to be onsite along with the details they entered when registering. These details include:
Contact Number
Vehicle Registration
Time of Arrival
Who they are meeting with
Which workflow they selected when registering
Whether they require assistance in an emergency
Any notes associated with their registration
The first column displays the persons name. To view the profile of the person to see all details relating to their registration, click on the persons name.
The second column from the left is the OK column. When first loading the Currently Onsite page, each person will have a question mark icon displayed in the OK column.
Clicking the
icon will turn it into a tick
(meaning this person is accounted for). They will now show up on the Accounted page. When doing an emergency roll call at your evacuation point, you would call out each persons name and mark each person who is present as accounted for.
To mark a visitor as accounted for, click on the
A confirmation window will appear stating that the person is accounted for.
icon will turn it into a tick
for the person you mark as accounted for.
For any people who enabled the assistance toggle when registering, a 'Yes' will be displayed in the Assistance column in the list of people currently onsite.