Search by specific person or organisation
To view a report for a specific person or organisation, enter some or all of the persons name or organisation into the search field at the top right of the page.
The report will change based off what you are entering as you actively type.
Exporting a report
To export all information currently displayed on the page, click the Export drop-down field found at the top right of the page.
There are several ways the information can be exported.
Copy - The information is copied to clipboard, allowing you to paste it into another application.
CSV - The information is exported to a CSV file which can be accessed using Excel.
PDF - The information is exported to a PDF file.
Print - The information is printed out.
Click on your desired exporting option to export the report.
Show/Hide columns
Columns can be hidden or shown by clicking on the Show/hide columns drop-down field. Click on a column name to toggle its visibility; the text will change from black to grey when hidden, and from grey to black when shown. To restore visibility for all columns, click Restore visibility.
The amount of sign-in records that are shown per page can be changed by clicking on the Show 100 rows drop-down field, then by clicking on the number of records you would like to be shown.

Your desired column view and records per page will be saved in your browser. The same view will be displayed the next time you view Sign-Ins by Workflow.