Report Builder - Label Template Designer

Report Builder - Label Template Designer

The Report Builder is a tool within VisitorRego that is primarily used for creating and editing visitor label templates, which are printed during sign-in. It offers flexibility for customising elements like logos, text, and fields on the labels. While it is mainly used for labels, it can also be used for reports.

While the Report Builder offers a wide range of customisation options, it can be complex to navigate. Our support team is readily available to assist with customisation requests. However, with the help of this guide, you can make basic adjustments on your own if required.

Accessing the Report Builder

To access the Report Builder from VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Reports > Report Builder.

A splash screen will briefly appear as the Report Builder loads. Following this, the next steps will depend on your previous use of the Report Builder:

  • If this is your first time opening the Report Builder, a window will prompt you to open a file to edit.

  • If you have previously edited a label template and selected the option to reopen the same documents next time, the Report Designer will automatically load the label template and open the designer interface itself.

Opening a Label Template

To open an existing label template in the Report Builder, follow these steps:

1. If you’re not already on the Open window that prompts you to open a file, select File in the top left corner of the Report Builder window and then select Open.
2. Select Computer from the Open menu, then select Browse.
3, Browse to the location of the label template file you want to open. Select the file, then select the Open button.

The selected label template will then load in the designer interface, allowing you to make changes.

The default label template file can be found in the VisitorRego Res folder at C:\ProgramData\VisitorRegoLtd\VisitorRego\Res, and is named DefaultLabel.trdx.
The label template file must be in .trdx format. Other formats, such as .xml, cannot be opened in the Report Builder.
Generating a Default Label Template

If the default label template file is not present, you can generate one by accessing the Options > System Setup menu from VisitorRego's Admin mode, and then by pressing the F11 key on your keyboard.

Before generating a label template, it’s important to determine whether the scanner is 2D capable (for QR code labels) or if it is a 1D scanner that can only scan bar codes. If you have a 2D scanner and prefer to include a QR code on the label instead of a bar code, navigate to Options > System Setup > General tab, expand the General section, and enable the option for 2D Scanner. Once that is set, you can proceed to generate the label template.

Understanding the Report Builder Interface

The Report Builder interface consists of several key components that are essential for creating and editing label templates. Below is an overview of these components, along with a corresponding screenshot for visual reference:

Menu Bar: Located at the top of the window, the menu bar contains options such as File, Home, Insert, Data, and View. These menus provide access to various functionalities, including saving, opening files, and formatting options.

Design Surface
: The central area where the label template is displayed. This is where you can add and arrange elements such as text, images, and data fields.

Data Explorer: The Data Explorer is intended for managing data sources and parameters. However, it is not typically used for editing label templates.

Properties Panel: This section displays properties for the selected element on the design surface. You can customise attributes like visibility, data bindings, and formatting options.

Group Explorer: Found at the bottom of the window, this panel helps manage groups and sorting of data. However, it is not commonly used for editing label templates.

Editing a Label Template

Editing the Label Template
Utilise the Report Builder to modify the label template as needed. This tool allows for flexibility in adjusting the overall layout of the label.

Common Editing Tasks

Updating the Company Logo

To update the company logo on the label:

1. Click on the existing logo to select it.
2. In the Properties panel, locate the Value field under the Data category.
3. Click directly on the Value field to make the ellipsis button ("...") appear.
4. Click the ellipsis button ("...") that appears to the right of the Value field.
5. The Open File dialog will appear, allowing you to browse for the new logo file.
6. Select the desired logo file and click Open.

Repositioning Objects

To reposition elements such as text boxes or images, click and drag the object to the desired location on the label. Use the alignment guides that appear to help position the object accurately. You can also use the properties panel to adjust the exact position by entering specific coordinates.

Ensure that objects do not overlap with one another or extend beyond the boundaries of the label template, as this could cause elements to not appear correctly when printed.

Formatting Text

To format text, select the text box you want to modify. In the properties panel, you can adjust the font style, size, colour, and alignment as needed.
If you want to change the text itself, you can either type directly into the selected text box within the label template or enter the new text in the Value field in the properties panel.

Adding Additional Fields

To add new fields to the label:

1. Select the Insert menu in the menu bar.
2. Select Text Box. A new Text Box will appear on the template.
3. Click on the newly added Text Box to select it.
4. In the Properties Panel, locate the Value field.
5. Enter the following format into the Value field: =Fields.FieldName, replacing FieldName with the actual name of the data field you want to display. For example, to display vehicle registration information, you would enter =Fields.Vehicle.
6. Adjust the position and size of the Text Box as needed to fit within the label template.


Database fields are placeholders for dynamic information in your label templates. They pull details such as the registrant's name, meeting details, and company information from VisitorRego's database.
List of Datafields that can be used
Holds the numeric database ID that numbers each visitor.

Holds the numeric database ID that numbers each site.

Holds the numeric database ID that numbers each visitor based from their name.

Holds the numeric database ID that numbers each visitor based from their name.

Contains the name of the company the visitor belongs to.

Holds the registration number of the visitor’s vehicle

Holds the phone number for the visitor.

Holds the email address of the visitor.

Contains the postal address of the visitor.

Delivery Address


The person that the visitor is meeting.

Contains the numeric ID for staff members based of their name.

The date and time the visitor signed in.

The date and time the visitor signed out.

The location where the visitor will be meeting.


Specifies whether the visitor manually signed out or was signed out by the system after the access time has expired.

Holds a value to specify whether the visitor has signed in 1 being yes, 0 being no.

Holds a value to specify whether the visitor has signed out  1 being yes, 0 being no.





Holds the last name of the visitor.

Holds the first name of the visitor.

Contains the system generated ID that is used for barcodes.



Holds the name of the area they signed in from e.g. Reception.

Used for the purposes of photo registration. Contains the photo of the visitor.

Saving a Label Template

To save a label template in the Report Builder, follow these steps:

1. To save your current changes, click on the disk icon in the menu bar.
2. If you want to create a separate copy of the label template under a different name, go to the File menu in the menu bar and select Save As.
3. In the Save As window, click on the Browse button to open the 'Save File As' dialog.
4. Navigate to the Res folder at C:\ProgramData\VisitorRegoLtd\VisitorRego\Res, where you want to save the template.
5. Change the Save as type dropdown to Telerik Report Definition XML (*.trdx).
6. Enter a desired File name for your new template.
7. Finally, click the Save button to save the label template.

When closing Report Builder, a pop-up window will appear asking if you’d like to reopen the same documents next time. If you choose Yes, any label templates you had opened will automatically load the next time you launch Report Builder. If you choose No, you will need to manually open the label templates when you start Report Builder again.

Setting the Active Label Template for Use

To set the label template that will be used and to identify the active template file name for editing:

1. From VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Options > Site Defaults tab.
2. In the Label Template field, click on the current template name.
3. Press the ellipsis button ("...") next to the field. This will open the Open window.
4. From here, browse to select a different label template file, typically kept in the VisitorRego Res folder at C:\ProgramData\VisitorRegoLtd\VisitorRego\Res.
5. Once you've selected your desired label template, click Open to apply the changes.

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