The Valuables function allows you to efficiently manage assets by issuing and receipting valuables to people registered onsite. This function tracks valuables as they are signed out and back in, ensuring accurate records of all transactions for oversight and accountability.
This article focuses on using the Valuables function in VR Portal to issue and receipt valuable assets effectively.

For instructions on how to enable the Valuables function and add valuables, please refer to the knowledge base article:
Setting Up Valuables.
Issuing Valuables
Valuables can be issued to people who are currently registered onsite. This means that the person you want to issue the valuable to must be signed in through VisitorRego. Valuables are signed out via the Onsite page in VR Portal. To access the Onsite page and issue a valuable, follow the steps below.
2. Hover over
in the navigation menu on the left.
3. Click on Onsite in the Register menu.

your VR portal login has access to more than one site you will be able
to toggle between sites using the site selector drop-down field.
To switch sites, click on the Sites drop-down field at the top left of the page, then select which site you wish to maintain.

Anyone who is currently signed in at your VisitorRego appliance will be displayed on the Onsite page.
Issuing a Valuable
1. Click on the name of the person that you want to issue a valuable to.

2. In the profile window that opens, click the Manage Valuables button located in the bottom right corner.
3. In the Valuables window that opens, click the arrow to the left of a category to expand it and reveal the associated valuables.
4. Click on the
Sign out button for the valuable you want to issue out.

A success message will appear confirming that the valuable has been signed out
Receipting Valuables
Valuables can be receipted or signed in from the Onsite page in VR Portal, or via the Register (In or Out) page. To sign a valuable in from the Onsite page, follow these steps:
1. From the Onsite page click on the name of the person from whom you want to receipt a valuable.
2. In the profile window that opens, click the Manage Valuables button located in the bottom right corner.
3. In the Valuables window that opens, click the arrow to the left of the category to expand it and view the associated valuables.
4. Click on the Sign In button for the valuable you want to receipt in.

A success message will appear confirming that the valuable has been signed in.

Valuables can also be signed in via the Register (In or Out) page, which will be covered in the Tracking the Status of Valuables section.
Tracking the Status of Valuables
To track the in/out status of issued valuables, VR Portal includes a dedicated register for valuables. The Register (In or Out) page records all valuables that have been issued, including both currently issued items and those previously receipted back in. It shows key details, such as timestamps of each issuance and return, the holder's name, and the category of each valuable, providing a complete history of all transactions. Valuables can also be receipted back in directly from this page.
Accessing the Register (In or Out) page
1. Hover over
in the navigation menu on the left.
2. Click on Register (In or Out) in the Valuables menu.
Viewing the Register (In or Out) page
On the Register (In or Out) page, you'll see a list of all valuables that have been issued, along with their associated details.
All valuable transactions within the date range are displayed, with the most recent transactions appearing first by default.

In and
Out columns provide visual cues for the status of valuables. A red X icon

in the
Out column indicates the item is currently issued out to someone, while a green tick icon

in the
In column shows the valuable has been receipted back in. These icons allow
for quick identification of whether an item is still in circulation or
has been returned.
To receipt a valuable back in, simply click the red X icon in the Out column, which will mark the valuable as returned and update the status.

Information can be sorted by clicking the header of a column.
Clicking a column header once will sort the rows in ascending order. Clicking again will sort the rows in descending order.
The ID used to identify the valuable item
Valuable Name
The specific name of the valuable asset, such as "Portable Radio" or "Access Card.
Indicates whether a valuable has been receipted back in. A green tick icon means the valuable has been returned, while an empty space signifies it is still out.
Indicates whether a valuable is currently issued out to someone. A red X icon shows that the item is still out, while an empty space means the valuable has been returned. To receipt a valuable back in, simply click the red X in the Out column.
Out At
Displays the timestamp of when a valuable was issued out. This indicates the exact date and time the valuable was signed out to a person.
In At
Displays the timestamp of when a valuable was receipted back in. This indicates the exact date and time the valuable was returned
Indicates the person to whom the valuable has been issued. The holder is responsible for the item while it is signed out to them. This field helps track which individual has possession of the valuable and is useful for accountability and follow-up actions.
the category to which the valuable belongs. If a new name is entered, a
new category will be created for that type of valuable. If an existing
category name is used, the valuable will be grouped under that category.
The category will be displayed on the Valuables page, allowing for easy

To view valuable transactions that occurred within a specific time frame, use the date range pickers located near the top of the page, just above the column headers.
To view valuable transactions for a specific valuable, category or person, enter part or all of the name into the search field at the top right of the page. The results will dynamically update as you type.
To export all information currently displayed on the page, click the Export drop-down field found at the top right of the page.
Viewing Issued Valuables History
To track the history of valuables issued, VR Portal includes an Issues page. This page records all valuables that have been issued, including details of who the items were assigned to, the associated timestamps, and the category of each valuable. It provides a clear view of past valuable transactions, ensuring accountability and transparency for issued items.
Accessing the Issues Page
1. Hover over
in the navigation menu on the left.
2. Click on Issues in the Valuables menu.
Viewing the Issues Page
On the Issues page, you'll see a list of all valuables that have been issued, along with their associated details
All valuable transactions within the selected date range will be displayed, with the most recent transactions appearing first by default.
The ID used to identify the valuable item
Valuable Name
The specific name of the valuable asset, such as "Portable Radio" or "Access Card.
Signed In
the timestamp of when a valuable was receipted back in. This indicates
the exact date and time the valuable was returned.
Signed Out
the timestamp of when a valuable was issued out. This indicates the
exact date and time the valuable was signed out to a person.
the category to which the valuable belongs. If a new name is entered, a
new category will be created for that type of valuable. If an existing
category name is used, the valuable will be grouped under that category.
The category will be displayed on the Valuables page, allowing for easy
Signed Out By
the person to whom the valuable has been issued.
Meeting With
The staff member the person met with when registering.
Note generated by the sign-in process (if applicable).

To view valuable issues that occurred within a specific time frame, use the date range pickers located near the top of the page, just above the column headers.
To view valuable issues for a specific valuable, category or person, enter part or all of the name into the search field at the top right of the page. The results will dynamically update as you type.
To export all information currently displayed on the page, click the Export drop-down field found at the top right of the page.