Log into VR Portal, navigate to Staff> Staff List and find the staff member.

Click on the staff members name to bring up their details window.
Enter the barcode or QR code number into the Personal ID field
and then click the Update button.
The staff member can then use the barcode or QR code to sign in and out.
Click on the contractors name to bring up their details window.
Enter the barcode or QR code number into thePersonal ID field
and then click the Save button.
The contractor can then use the barcode or QR code to sign in and out.
When registering on the VR appliance itself for visitors
Enter the visitor or contractors details into Self Registration. Before using the the 'Press to register' button, scan the barcode you want to use.
This pop up box will ask you to confirm the barcode. Select 'Yes' to continue and link the person to the barcode.
Complete the rest of the registration process by viewing the H&S slides and acknowledging the H&S requirements.
The person can then use that barcode to sign in and out.