VisitorRego includes an Emergency Report feature that enables you to quickly print a list of all registered people on-site in case of an emergency. This article provides instructions on how to print the Emergency Report using Self-Registration mode.

The Emergency Report can also be accessed online via smartphone or PC. We recommend this method for emergencies, as it allows you to focus on evacuating the building safely first. Once you are in a secure location, you can then access the list on your smartphone, avoiding the need to print the list at your VisitorRego unit during an emergency.
For comprehensive instructions and guidance, please refer to the details provided in this article.
Printing the Emergency Report via Self-Registration
To print off the emergency report from Self Registration, type '111' or '000' into the 'Meeting With' field. This will change the 'Press to Register' button into an 'Emergency' button.
Press the now highlighted 'Emergency' button to print the report.
Viewing the printed Emergency Report
The Emergency Report can be printed onto labels, or full-page sheets. The report will consist of a list of all registered people on-site, along with other details that they entered when registering.
Below is a print preview of the report when printed on labels.
The details printed on the labels are:
◾ Name
◾ Vehicle Registration
◾ Phone Number
◾ Who they are meeting with
◾ Assist (Whether they require assistance in an emergency)
Below is a print preview of the report when printed on full-page sheets.
The details printed on the report are:
◾ Assist (Whether they require assistance in an emergency)
◾ Name
◾ Company
◾ Phone Number
◾ Vehicle Registration
◾ Who they are meeting with
◾ Time In

Evacuation assistance is determined on the Self Registration screen (on the VisitorRego unit itself).
By default the assistance toggle will be disabled as per the picture below.
When the assistance toggle is enabled, it will state that the person registering requires assistance in an emergency.
The person will then have a 'Yes' in the assistance column of the emergency report.
Configuring the Emergency Report to print on labels
To configure the Emergency Report to print on labels, follow the instructions below:
1. From VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Options > General tab, then expand the Printers section.
2. Click the Emergency Label Printer drop-down field and select the name of the label printer.
3. Check the checkbox for Use Label Printer for Emergency Reports.
4. Close out of the System Setup window to hold the changes.
Configuring the Emergency Report to print full-page sheets
To configure the Emergency Report to print full-page sheets, follow the instructions below:
1. From VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Options > General tab, then expand the Printers section. 2. Click the Plain Paper Printer drop-down field and select the name of the full-page printer.

3. Uncheck the checkbox for Use Label Printer for Emergency Reports.
4. Close out of the System Setup window to hold the changes.