Signing in and out functions
Issuing and Receipting Valuables
The Valuables function allows you to efficiently manage assets by issuing and receipting valuables to people registered onsite. This function tracks valuables as they are signed out and back in, ensuring accurate records of all transactions for ...
Setting Up Valuables
The Valuables function is designed for the effective management of assets by allowing you to issue and receipt valuables to people registered onsite. You can add valuables to VR Portal, enabling you to sign them out and back in upon completion. Each ...
Event Register
VisitorRego’s Event Register feature lets you quickly register attendees for an event. Enter the event name once, and then add each attendee. A label is printed for every registered person, making the check-in process efficient and streamlined. ...
Signing in using the Contactless Sign-In function
Contactless Sign-In allows visitors to sign in using their own smartphone instead of interacting with the VisitorRego unit’s touchscreen. A unique QR code is displayed on the unit’s welcome screen, which visitors can scan using their smartphone’s QR ...
Signing in using the Mobile Pass function
Mobile Pass is a function that allows visitors to sign in from their own smartphone device rather than at a physical VisitorRego unit. A unique QR code is printed and displayed at your entrance or sign-in point. Visitors can then scan the QR code ...
Signing People Out Through VR Portal
In VR Portal, administrators have the ability to sign people out. This feature is particularly useful in situations where people have left the site but may have forgotten to sign out. By using this function, administrators can ensure that all records ...
Signing Out Visitors through Admin Mode
In situations where reception staff need to sign out a visitor manually, they can sign the visitor out through the Admin Mode window. From VisitorRego’s Admin Mode, click on the ‘Signed In’ button to open the ‘Signed In’ window. The ‘Signed In’ ...
Setting up Auto Sign-Out
If a visitor forgets to sign out with their label when they leave, VisitorRego has the intelligence to automatically sign visitors out after a specified time period. This keeps your Emergency Report accurate so that you don't need to chase up ...
Day Pass Setup
Setting up Day Pass The Day Pass option allows any label printed to be used multiple times to sign in and out. This can be especially useful if a visitor leaves the building, but will be returning later. In Admin Mode navigate to Options > System ...
Issuing a Pass
This function allows you to print a label for a specific person that can be used to sign in and out for a set amount of time. See the Day Pass function to allow all labels to be valid for sign in/out on the day of registration. Issue a pass using ...