Authorisation Templates

Authorisation Templates

The Authorisation Templates page allows you to add and maintain authorisations that can be assigned to individuals or organisations requiring authorisation to be onsite. Examples of authorisations include site inductions, flu vaccination or permits. PDF documents can be uploaded and associated with Authorisations. It is also possible to have questionnaires added and included as part of an Authorisation requirement.

There are two types of Authorisations. Organisation Authorisations, which are authorisations for an organisation (or company) as a whole, and Individual Authorisations, which are for an individual person (or contractor) who requires authorisation to be onsite.
You can maintain Authorisations for both organisations and individuals.

When an individual signs in, VisitorRego will check the authorisation access requirements for the individual and organisation. If authorisations are assigned to the individual or their organisation and if either level is not compliant, the individual will be denied access.

Access Authorisation Templates

1. Using your web browser, navigate to website and log into VR Portal.
2. Hover over Authorisations  in the navigation menu on the left.
3. Click on Authorisation Templates in the Authorisations menu.

If your VR portal login has access to more than one site you will be able to toggle between sites using the site selector drop-down field.
To switch sites, click on the Sites drop-down field at the top left of the page, then select which site you wish to maintain.

Adding an Authorisation for Organisations

1. Click on the button to add an authorisation under the Organisation section of the page. The Organisation Authorisation window will appear.

2. Enter the details of the authorisation.
Explaining what each part of the Organisation Authorisation window is for

Name - The name of the authorisation. The name uniquely identifies the authorisation.
Document - A PDF document that explains the authorisation and the obligations it requires of an organisation.
Upload PDF - Click to select a PDF that resides on your PC and upload it to VR portal.
Short Description - A short description to advise the organisation how to meet the requirements of the authorisation.
Mandatory - When set, the authorisation must be current and certified. Site access is denied if it is not.
Auto Certify - When the authorisation is added to an organisation, it is automatically certified.
Auto Notify - Notification emails are sent to Site Administrators when an authorisation is to expire in the next 30 days.
Active - As active, the authorisation can be selected and assigned to an organisation.

3. Click on the Save button to add the authorisation.

Adding an Authorisation for Individuals

1. Click on the button to add an authorisation under the Individual section of the page. The Individual Authorisation window will appear.

2. Enter the details of the authorisation.
Explaining what each part of the Individual Authorisation window is for

Name - The name of the authorisation. The name uniquely identifies the authorisation.
Document - A PDF document that explains the authorisation and the obligations it requires of an individual. This document is viewed by individuals.
Upload PDF - Click to select a PDF that resides on your PC and upload it to VR portal.
Short Description - A short description to advise the individual how to meet the requirements of the authorisation.
Questionnaire Name - Name of the questionnaire (if applicable).
Questionnaire ID - This is the Jot form ID number. Jot forms need to be built by VisitorRego support and are chargeable.
Auto Certify Questionnaire - When the individual completes the questionnaire, the authorisation is automatically certified.
Auto Expire - When the individual completes the questionnaire, the expire date is set to the number of months from the date certified (0 months means it won't expire).
Mandatory - When set, the authorisation must be current and certified. Site access is denied if it is not.
Auto Certify - When the authorisation is added to an individual, it is automatically certified.
Auto Notify - Notification emails are sent to Site Administrators when an authorisation is to expire in the next 30 days.
Active - As active, the authorisation can be selected and assigned to an individual.
Workflows - Allows you to add a workflow that can consist of several authorisations as a package that can be assigned to individuals. If you already have a workflow setup, you can select it to add the authorisation to the workflow. Authorisations can be added to more than one workflow.
Questionnaires can be setup to require a 100% pass mark before the individual can submit the form. That way, once they have submitted the form, the individual has then met the requirements and can be automatically certified. Contact VisitorRego support to setup a questionnaire for a small setup cost.

For information on how individuals can be automatically certified using questionnaires, please refer to the Auto-certify Individuals using Questionnaires knowledge base article found here.
Workflows can consist of one or more Authorisations as a package that can be assigned to individuals.
Refer to the How to add Authorisations to a Workflow article for specific instructions to add authorisations to workflows.

3. Click on the Save button to add the authorisation.

Maintaining an existing Authorisation

To maintain an existing authorisation, click on the name of the authorisation you want to make changes to. The Authorisation window will appear.

Once the changes have been made, click the Save button to hold the changes.

Understanding the Authorisation Template page columns

Authorisation - Name of the authorisation.
Mandatory - Indicates whether the authorisation is mandatory or not.
Definition - PDF document that defines the authorisation requirement. If a PDF document is present, you can click on the PDF icon to view it.
Questionnaire - Questionnaire pertaining to the authorisation. If a questionnaire is present, you can click on the pencil icon to view it.
Note - A short description to advise the individual how to meet the requirements of the authorisation.
Used By - Displays a count of how many individuals an authorisation is assigned to. You can click on the number to display which individuals have the authorisation assigned.
Active - Indicates whether the authorisation is active or not.

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