Sent Invites

Sent Invites

The Sent Invites page provides a comprehensive view of all sent onboarding email invitations. This page assists administrators in tracking the status of invitations sent to individuals and organisations, providing essential details for efficient authorisation management.

Access the Sent Invites page

1. Using your web browser, navigate to website and log into VR Portal.
2. Hover over Authorisations  in the navigation menu on the left.
3. Click on Sent Invites in the Authorisations menu.

If your VR portal login has access to more than one site you will be able to toggle between sites using the site selector drop-down field.
To switch sites, click on the Sites drop-down field at the top left of the page, then select which site you wish to maintain.

Viewing the Sent Invites page

When viewing the Sent Invites page, users are presented with records of onboarding email notifications sent to both individual contractors and organisations. Notably, invitations sent to organisations are directed to specific individuals acting as representatives for their respective organisations. Users can readily observe crucial details for each invitation, including the recipient's name, their corresponding email address, whether the invitation was intended for an individual or an organisation, the date the invitation was sent, and importantly, the date of recipient interaction with the email link.

By default, entries on the Sent Invites page are sorted chronologically based on their creation date. However, users have the flexibility to rearrange entries by clicking on any of the column headers, allowing for customised organisation of the displayed information.

Understanding the Sent Invite page columns

Name - Displays the name of the invitee.
Email - Shows the email address of the invitee.
Sent To - Specifies whether the invitation is for an individual or an organisation.
Meeting Subject - Indicates the subject of the email invitation.
Date Created - Displays the date and time when the invitation was created.
Link Open Date - Indicates the date and time when the recipient opened the invitation link. If it is blank, it means that the invitation link has not been opened.

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