The RSVP page in VR Portal allows you to pre-register guests in bulk prior to them arriving onsite. You can then pre-print labels for the guests so that all they need to do is scan their label to sign-in once they arrive onsite.
To pre-register guests in bulk, a spreadsheet is imported into VR Portal from your PC.

Access the RSVP page

1. Using your web browser, navigate to website and log into VR Portal.
2. Hover over PreRegister in the navigation menu on the left.
3. Click on RSVP in the PreRegister menu.

If your VR portal login has access to more than one site you will be able to toggle between sites using the site selector drop-down field.
To switch sites, click on the Sites drop-down field at the top left of the page, then select which site you wish to maintain.

Downloading the CSV template file

The first step is to download the CSV template. Upon accessing the RSVP page for the first time a sample row will be present which forms the CSV template columns.

1. Download the CSV template by clicking the Export drop-down field found at the top right of the page, then click on the CSV option.

2. Once you have downloaded the CSV template file, open it up using your spreadsheet editor (e.g. Excel).

Editing the CSV template file

1. Enter the guest details into the respective columns.

The most important details to enter would be the guests Name, Organization, who they are Meeting With and the Staff Email address. The date in which the registration will take place is also needed. The date is entered into the Appointment column.
Details of what each of the columns are for can be found below.

Name - The guests full name (mandatory)
Organization - The guests company (optional).
Email - The guests email address (optional).
Mobile - The guests mobile phone number (optional).
Vehicle - The guests vehicle registration (optional).
Meeting With - The staff member the guest will be meeting with. The name needs to match the staff members name in your staff list for notifications to be sent correctly.
Staff Email - The email address of the staff member the guest will be meeting with. The email address needs to be entered for notifications to be sent correctly.
Location - The location of where the guest will be meeting (optional).
Appointment - The date the registration will take place.
Note - Insert any notes about the pre-registration here.
The sample row can be deleted (otherwise it will be loaded as pre-registration when you come to import).

2. Save the file as .csv (Comma Delimited).

Importing the CSV file

1. Import the CSV file by clicking the Import button found at the top right of the RSVP page in VR Portal.

2. Select the CSV file containing the guests details you have previously entered, then click Open.

If the import was successful, a window will appear stating that the appointments were uploaded.

You will then see the guests loaded on the RSVP upload page.

The information will automatically synchorinise to your VisitorRego unit.

Entries can be deleted from the list by clicking on the rubbish bin icons at the very right of each row.
To delete all entries, click on the Delete All button at the top right of the page.

Pre-Printing the Labels

You can view the appointments from VisitorRego's Admin Mode on the VisitorRego unit itself.

This part of the process is done at the VisitorRego unit itself.

1. Toggle to VisitorRego Admin Mode by tapping on in the top left corner of the Self-Registration screen.
2. Click File> Pre Register to show all appointments made.
3. To pre-print a label for a guest or guests, check the checkbox to the left of their name, then click the 'Print Label (Only)' button.

Once the label is printed it can be given to the guest on arrival. They can scan this label to sign in using the scanner to register normally, then scan it again to sign when they leave.

4. Toggle back into VisitorRego Self-Registration mode by closing the Pre-Register window, then click on File> Self Registration.

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