

In the process of registering a visitor, data is captured. The Register window allows you to view the registration data.

From VisitorRego's Admin mode, choose File> Register.

The Register window will open showing all registrations from the 7 days.

To set the date range, click the date drop down field to select the 'from' date. Click the second drop down field on the right hand side to select the 'to' date.

Once dates have been selected, the window will refresh showing registrations for the period that has been specified.

Registration records can be filtered by First Name, Last Name and Company using the radio buttons to the right of the date fields. After clicking one of the filter options, you would then click on a letter to show all registrations that meet the filter criteria.
You can also sort the data by clicking on any of the column headers.

By clicking the green Excel logo (top right) you can export your specified data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Note: Records cannot be changed. The Register record is a snap shot in time of the visitor, their company and the staff member they are meeting with.

Below is a list of all of the columns that are shown on the Register window:

First Name
The first name of the visitor or contractor.

Last Name
The last name of the visitor or contractor.

Name of the company the visitor or contractor represents.

Contact phone number.

Car Registration
The vehicle registration, typically used to manage parking.

Require Assistance
Indicates whether the visitor or contractor requires assistance in an emergency.

Meeting With
The name of the staff member being visited.

Date In
The date the visitor or contractor signed in.

Time In
The time the visitor or contractor signed in.

Date Out
The date the visitor or contractor signed out.

Time Out
The time the visitor or contractor signed out.

The duration that the visitor or contractor was onsite for.

Indicates whether the person who has registered is a visitor or a contractor.

Personal ID
Displays the personal ID of the visitor or contractor.

Photo ID
Displays the file name of the ID photo that was captured upon registration.

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