Printer Troubleshooting

Printer Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing issues with your label printer, the troubleshooting guide below may help you fix the issue.

Firstly, make sure that labels labels are loaded correctly, and that the printer is online.

Label rolls can be loaded by following the instructions in the knowledge base article specific to the type of label printer you have. Please see the corresponding link below for instructions.

To check that the printer is online, toggle out of VisitorRego to return to the Windows desktop, then open Devices and Printers.

A shortcut for Devices and Printers may be found on the desktop.

If there is no shortcut, navigate to Control Panel through the Windows Start menu. Under Hardware and Sound click on View Devices and Printers.

Once in the Devices and Printers window, select the printer and check the status shown at the bottom of the window.

If the printer is showing as Offline, make sure that the printer is powered on by checking that the status light is lit up on the printer itself.
Check that the power adapter is plugged in correctly to both the wall jack and the back of the printer.
Check the USB cable is plugged in correctly to both the computer and the back of the printer.

If the printer model is a Brother QL-700, Make sure that the 'Editor' light (circled) is NOT on. If it is, press and hold the 'Editor' button until the light goes off.

There should only be ONE solid green light illuminated on the printer which is found on the left hand side. This is labelled Status and is under the power button.

Check and remove any pending print jobs by clearing the print queue . These would be labels that failed to print.

Once the print queue is clear, try the steps below to get the Printer working.

1. Unplug the USB cable and plug back in
2. Turn off the power to the printer and turn back on
3. Restart your computer.

You can also check to make sure the printer is set correctly in VisitorRego settings by following the instructions in the knowledge base article Label Printer Setup .

If you are still having trouble getting the printer to work, please contact our friendly support team .

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