Label Printer Setup

Label Printer Setup

Label Printers are a common component of a VisitorRego system. Visitors are printed a visitor label for easy identification on your site. The label also includes a QR code or barcode, so that the visitor can easily sign themselves out using the barcode scanner.

Drivers for the printer should already be installed. If not, please request them by contacting VisitorRego Support.

To set the correct printer for VisitorRego to print to, follow the instructions below:

From VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Options > General tab, then expand the Printers section.

Click the Label Printer drop-down field and select the name of the label printer.

Make sure checkbox Print Preview is unchecked so that labels are printed rather than previewed on screen.

You can specify the number of labels per roll by entering the value into the Labels Per Roll field. This is so VisitorRego can countdown the number of labels left on the roll and relates to the Low Label Email Notification function.

If you need help with knowing how many labels are on the roll that your label printer uses, please contact VisitorRego support.

The label printer can also be used to print emergency reports of all visitors onsite. If using this function, click the Emergency Label Printer drop-down field and select the name of the emergency label printer. The Use Label Printer for Emergency Reports checkbox needs to be checked also.
Please see here  for more information on using the label printer for emergency reports.

Once done, close out of the System Setup window to hold the changes.

To configure the printer itself, please see the corresponding article below to finish the setup.

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