Forgot Password

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password to log in to VR Portal you can reset it via the login page.
To log in to VR Portal for the first time, users must register themselves first. For instructions, please refer to our knowledge base article Registering a New User.

From the VR Portal login page, select Forgot Password.

Enter your email address into the Email field once the Enter your email address window appears, then select Email Link.

A window will appear advising that the reset password email has been sent.

Open the email, then continue on to reset your password by using the link.
If you can't find the email, please check your junk folder.

The link will open the website and prompt you to enter a new password.

Enter the password that you would like to use into Password field.
Enter the same password into the Confirm field to confirm the password.
The password must contain at least 8 characters, including a numeric, an uppercase and a lowercase character.

Select Reset to reset the password.

A message will appear confirming that the password has been reset.

Use the link, or navigate to to log in now that the password has been reset.
Instructions to log in can be found here.

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