The Hours page in VR Portal captures the duration of on-site visits whenever a person is present at your VisitorRego unit. The total time spent on-site each day is tallied up and displayed on the line chart corresponding to the respective date.
On the Hours page, you have the option to view on-site visit durations for the last 24 hours, the last 30 days, or the last 90 days. To change the time range, simply click on the drop-down field located at the top right of the page and select one of the three available options.
To find out how much time people spent on-site on a specific date, hover your cursor over the data point plotted on the line chart for that particular date.
If your VisitorRego unit has multiple workflows for sign-ins (e.g., Visitor and Contractor), each workflow is represented on the chart with a distinct color.
The total duration of on-site visits is displayed within the circle on the right side of the page. Additionally, the total durations for each workflow are shown to the right of the circle. To view the individual totals, you can hover over the corresponding colors on the circle itself.