The line chart uses points connected by line segments from left to right to demonstrate
changes in value. The horizontal axis depicts a continuous progression, while the vertical axis reports values for a metric
of interest across that progression. In this case, we look at how many sign-ins occurred on specific dates. A line is plotted for each workflow that is present on your VisitorRego unit.
Viewing the SignIns Dashboard
Whenever a person signs in at your VisitorRego unit, their sign-in is captured in VR Portal.
The sign-in's that occur each day are tallied up and the total number is plotted on the line chart for that particular date.
Sign-ins can be displayed for the last 24 hours, the last 30 days or the last 90 days. To change the range, click on the drop down field at the top right of the page, then select one of the three options.
To see how may people signed in on a particular date, hover over the point that is plotted on the line chart for that specific date.
If your VisitorRego unit displays more than one workflow when signing in (e.g. Visitor and Contractor), each of the workflows is represented on the chart in a different color.
The total number of sign-ins is displayed within the circle on the right side of the page.
The total number of sign-ins for each workflow are displayed to the right of the circle. You can also hover over the colors on the circle itself to see the totals.