Changing the Covid-19 Declaration Graphic

Changing the Covid-19 Declaration Graphic

As part of the registration process, the VisitorRego software can display, and require acknowledgement of your health and safety policy, including Covid-19 measures. VisitorRego has the ability to ask people registering to declare they if they are at risk or not.

To use this feature, you will need to be running the latest version of VisitorRego. If you do not already have the Covid-19 Risk Notification function setup or would like your copy of VisitorRego updated to the latest version, please contact our support team.

The graphic that is shown in the background of the Covid-19 declaration screen can be changed by following the instructions below.

Note: a keyboard is needed in order to access the Covid-19 Risk Notification settings menu

Copy the new graphic file to the VisitorRego appliance

Copy and paste the new graphic file into the Res folder of the appliance. C:\ProgramData\VisitorRegoLtd\VisitorRego\Res

You may do this using a USB stick, remote software, or contacting VisitorRego support.

If the new graphics files have the same name as the old, then choose the Copy and Replace option when pasting the files into the Res folder.

Update the graphic file in the VisitorRego System Setup menu

From VisitorRego's Admin mode, select Options to open the System Setup menu.

Once the System Setup menu has opened, press the F12 key on your keyboard which will make the Custom tab appear in the menu.

Select the Custom tab, then expand the Covid 19 section.

To choose the graphic file, select the Covid 19 Background Image field.


This will highlight the file path and a 3 dot button will be shown on the right of the field.

Select the 3 dot button and navigate to the Res folder where the images are saved - C:\ProgramData\VisitorRegoLtd\VisitorRego\Res

Select the file that relates to the image you are updating, then select the Open button.

Close the System Setup window by tapping on the X in the top right corner of the window.

From the navigation bar select File > Self Registration to toggle back into Self-Registration mode.

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