How to add Authorisations to a Workflow

How to add Authorisations to a Workflow

Workflows can consist of one or more Authorisations as a package that can be assigned to individuals.
Authorisations can be created and added to Workflows on the Authorisation Templates page.
To add an authorisation to a workflow (or create a new workflow), follow the instructions below.

Authorisations can only be added to workflows if they are individual authorisations.

Access Authorisation Templates

1. Using your web browser, navigate to website and log into VR Portal.
2. Hover over Authorisations  in the navigation menu on the left.
3. Click on Authorisation Templates in the Authorisations menu.

If your VR portal login has access to more than one site you will be able to toggle between sites using the site selector drop-down field.
To switch sites, click on the Sites drop-down field at the top left of the page, then select which site you wish to maintain.

Adding an Authorisation to a Workflow

1. Click on the name of the individual authorisation you want to add to a workflow. The Authorisation window will appear.

If no individual authorisations are present, refer to the Authorisation Templates article for instructions to add authorisations.

Once the Individual Authorisation window opens, you will find the button to add workflows at bottom along with any workflows the authorisation has already been added to.

2. Click on the Workflows button. The Add Workflow(s) window will appear.

3. To add an authorisation to a new workflow, enter the name of workflow into the New Workflow field, then click the Save button.
4. To add an authorisation to an existing workflow, check the checkbox for the workflow you want to add the authorisation to, then click the Save button.

Authorisations can be added to more than one workflow.

Now that the authorisation has been added to a workflow, it can be assigned to an individual through the Individuals page or through onboarding process.

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